2.3 Other Public Records Resources

Below are resources for further information regarding submitting public records requests and related laws. 

California Open Government Guide – Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press
A guide geared towards journalists. This resource is very extensive and has additional information pertaining to accessing law enforcement records. Probably more than you ever wanted to know about anything public record related.

CPRA Primer – First Amendment Coalition
A reference guide with more heavy use of CPRA citations. If you try reading the law itself and find it too dense, but still like to see the relevant laws, this might be a good place for you to start reading up further on the CPRA.

Guide to California Public Records Act – Muckrock
A succinct, straight-forward Q&A-style reference guide. This also has some California public records stats and agency scoreboard. Take a look!

The California Public Records Act – League of CA Cities
A collaborative effort of several city attorneys and outside counsel created this CPRA guide for local governments. It provides an overview of CPRA, guidance on how to respond to a public records request, exemptions, judicial review and records management. This guide is helpful to see how the government views CPRA compliance, and gives you a pretty good overview of the lawsuit process. Furthermore, it provides insight about the government records process which may be helpful for you to understand where your records may be located. Of particular note are record retention and destruction laws.

California Public Records Act – California Office of Attorney General 
An 84-page summary of the CPRA provided by the California Attorney General’s Office which serves as a very useful reference guide. It goes into greater detail on the right to privacy vs. public access, exemptions and relevant litigation. This is a handy document to reference if you find yourself reading the actual CPRA law.

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