Mike Katz-Lacabe reports that Homeland Security fusion center NCRIC, the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, collected 79.2 million license plates from a variety of Northern California cities from June of 2018 to May of 2019.

The City of Piedmont sent 22.4 million license plate scans or 2,036 license plate scans per resident per year.
The City of Fremont sent 17.7 million license plate scans or 77 plate scans per resident. per year.
The City of Vallejo sent 15.8 million license plate scans or 131 per resident per year.
NCRIC is not the only entity that stores license plate scans. Private vendor Vigilant Solutions receives millions every year from the Bay Area including:
The City of Danville sent 33.4 million license plate scans to Vigilant or 759 plate scans per resident per year.
The City of Pittsburg sent 31.4 million license plate scans to Vigilant or 436 plate scans per resident per year.
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