ICE At Urban Shield

A public records request by Oakland Privacy member Mike Katz Lacabe for pictures from the Urban Shield 2017 counterterrorism drill revealed Homeland Security Investigations/ICE participated in Urban Shield, despite there being no listing for HSI or ICE in the participant list.

East Bay Express coverage: Alameda County Sheriff Hosted ICE at Urban Shield

Telmundo coverage: Activista: Agentes De ICE Entrenados A La Bahia

“It’s easy to look at it this way: The Department of Homeland Security equals ICE equals training at Urban Shield equals terrorizing communities,” Alameda County spokesperson Sgt. Ray Kelly said. “It’s a lot more complicated than that”.

Sacramento Police Department License Plate Reader Data Sharing Report


The Sacramento Police Department’s Vigilant license plate reader system shares geolocation license plate data and photographs of Sacramento residents cars with 792 agencies, including the Post Office, Yellowstone National Park, the Franchise Tax Board, fusion centers in Florida, Ohio, Missouri and Indiana, Georgia Tech University, the University of Delaware, counties/cities across the United States as obscure as Zebulon, NC, Killeen, TX and Greece, NY, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Chicago “Strike Force” and at least three field offices of HSI/ICE.

Alameda County Urban Shield Task Force Report

On February 27, The Alameda County Board of Supervisors will discuss and vote on whether to accept the enclosed report and recommendations from the large task force they convened in January of 2017 to discuss the Homeland Security-funded anti terrorism training competition and exposition.

Location: Alameda County Administration Building  1221 Oak Street, 5th Floor Oakland. 10:45am. Agenda item 45.1

55 Progressive Groups Write Congress To Support CRA


55 progressive groups, including OP, wrote to Congress asking the Dems to support the CRA revoking the net neutrality repeal. The letter states: “Internet freedom activists, grassroots organizers, social justice advocates, labor unions, and progressive organizations like ours oppose Pai’s assault on our ability to communicate and connect. The internet has been a transformative tool for free speech and for organizing in furtherance of civil rights and social and economic justice. A free and open internet enables political dissidents and marginalized communities to make their voices heard on their own terms — without being stifled or warped by corporate gatekeepers such as broadband internet service providers (ISPs)”

2010-2012 FOIAS – ICE/HSI and National Vehicle Locator Service (NVLS)


EPIC and ACLU acquired via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documentation of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) trial access to the National Vehicle Locator Service (NVLS) license plate reader database in the 2010-2012 period, operated by Vigilant Solutions on the LEARN platform.

Fact Sheet on Border Searches Of Electronic Devices


The number of searches of electronic devices while passing through international airports or land border checkpoints is heating up.

This handy fact sheet from ACLU tells you your options and gives you info on how to report what happened to you so civil rights lawyers can have the most up to date information on what’s happening at the border.

English and Spanish below. Share!