“California spends more time regulating barber shops and taco trucks than on regulating surveillance.” Brian Hofer, Chair of the Oakland Privacy Advisory Commission and member of Oakland Privacy, testified before the California State Assembly Public Safety Committee in Sacramento on…
Author: JP Massar
Oakland Privacy Endorses Legislation to Make California a Sanctuary State.
TwitWit Radio Parodies the Berkeley Urban Shield Vote and the Surveillance State.
Featuring choice quotes from our own Tracy Rosenberg at the June 20th Berkeley City Council meeting, including “Get this crap out of my town.” Nothing is sacred in this 30 minute radio production – including the underpants bomber.
Oakland: Rise Up Against Secret Surveillance
Oakland’s Public Safety Committee will vote on the ordinance on May 9 at 6pm at City Hall at Oscar Grant Plaza. We need you there. ** (Reprinted from the ACLU of Northern California) Everyone deserves to feel safe in their…
Berkeley Should Not Participate In The Militarized Police Aspects Of Urban Shield
Update: On May 16, the Stop Urban Shield Coalition shut down the Berkeley City Council meeting at 12:45am (actually on May 17). New special meeting to be scheduled. It will be on June 20 at 6:00pm at Longfellow Middle School…
Oakland’s Cell Tower Simulator (Stingray) Policy is the Gold Standard.
Brian Hofer writes to the Oakland City Council, describing the Cell Phone Tower Simulator (aka Stingray) Use Policy the Oakland Privacy Advisory Committee and the Oakland Police arrived at. The policy was adopted by the Oakland City Council at their February 7th, 2017, meeting.
There is no policy regarding cell site simulators in existence even remotely close to Oakland’s, as to the narrowness of allowable use, oversight, and transparent reporting. Although I was proud of what we accomplished with Alameda County in breaking new ground, the Oakland policy far exceeds all standards at the federal, state, or local level:
Reining in and Raining on the Surveillance State
Groundbreaking legislation that will put limits upon the local surveillance state is up for consideration in the Bay Area these next few months. With a new administration being handed the vast resource of existing Federal surveillance capabilities, it is more…
Praise for Oakland’s Proposed Surveillance Equipment Regulation Ordinance!
Passed out of the Oakland Privacy Advisory Commission on Thursday, Jan 5th, 2017, the proposed Surveillance Equipment Regulation legislation (OPAC-Surveillance-Ordinance-Adopted – PDF) received praise from a number of people involved in civil liberties work. Here are some quotes and statements of support…
BART must be open about how its spies on its riders…
An op-ed appeared in the December 12th edition of the East Bay Times, authored by former Oakland City Councilperson Wilson Riles, regarding the surveillance equipment regulation ordinance now being created by the BART Board and its staff in consultation with…
A Letter to the President on Surveillance Tech
By Eric Neville, Oakland Privacy Member. Dear President Obama: I question the legitimacy of using any secret technology in attempt to uphold the law. As an illustration of the inherent vitiation of the legal process, I offer the Stingray cell…