Some of the things Oakland Privacy had a hand in in 2019…

- Urban Shield – Dead.
- San Francisco enacts a surveillance equipment regulation ordinance (SERO) and facial recognition ban.
- Oakland and Berkeley pass facial recognition bans.
- Oakland rejects new Bearcat for OPD.
- Richmond, CA terminates its Vigilant ALPR contract, honoring their ordinance prohibiting doing business with ICE contractors.
- Oakland Privacy receives EFF’s Barlow award “extending freedom and innovation in the realm of information technology.”
- Two dozen industry bills designed to weaken the CA Consumer Privacy Act before it went into effect defeated or reduced to neutral impact.
- California revised Use of Force legislation passed and signed into law.
- Three year moratorium on police use of facial recognition in California signed into law.
- Oakland begins process of creating a police militarized equipment regulation ordinance, similar to its surveillance equipment regulation ordinance.
- Berkeley passes ordinance requiring that certain commercial establishments accept cash, following in San Francisco’s footsteps earlier in the year.
A flyer with this information and a short writeup about Oakland Privacy, etc: