Oakland vs. Big Data Brother

British author Timandra Harkness took note of our success in the Bay Area, fe51mUCJFI9uLaturing the work of Oakland Privacy as Chapter 8 of her new book Big Data: Does Size Matter? An updated and truncated online version of our work is here.

Our friends over at Bill of Rights Defense Committee/Defending Dissent Foundaton noticed, and gave us a shout out. The feelings are mutual, as we rely frequently on the help and resources of BORDC/DDF. We’re very blessed to have a large coalition of groups willing to help fight against state abuse of power, here in the Bay Area.

Oakland Privacy Timeline




  • March. Urban Warrior.  A military force “invades” Oakland as a training exercise. A precursor to “Urban Shield.”


  • DAC began with a grant from the Dept. of Homeland Security in 2008 to the Port of Oakland to secure port facilities “from terrorists.”