Oakland Privacy in Solidarity with the National Prisoners’ Work Strike.

Oakland Privacy strongly supports the National Prison Strike, which begins Sept. 9, and issues this statement in support.

prison-strikeWhile Oakland Privacy is primarily committed to ensuring that people’s privacy is not invaded by the state, our commitment extends to the protection of the full gamut of civil rights and liberties – all of which are violated by prisons, jails, and correctional facilities.

We deplore the conditions in this country’s prisons, especially but not exclusively those which violate the 6th Amendment proscription against cruel and unusual punishment, and the use of what amounts to the slave labor of prisoners by the State.

Oakland Privacy is a citizens coalition that works regionally to defend the right to privacy and enhance public transparency and oversight regarding the use of surveillance techniques and equipment.

More information on the September 9th Prison Strike.

Oakland vs. Big Data Brother

British author Timandra Harkness took note of our success in the Bay Area, fe51mUCJFI9uLaturing the work of Oakland Privacy as Chapter 8 of her new book Big Data: Does Size Matter? An updated and truncated online version of our work is here.

Our friends over at Bill of Rights Defense Committee/Defending Dissent Foundaton noticed, and gave us a shout out. The feelings are mutual, as we rely frequently on the help and resources of BORDC/DDF. We’re very blessed to have a large coalition of groups willing to help fight against state abuse of power, here in the Bay Area.

Oakland Privacy Timeline




  • March. Urban Warrior.  A military force “invades” Oakland as a training exercise. A precursor to “Urban Shield.”


  • DAC began with a grant from the Dept. of Homeland Security in 2008 to the Port of Oakland to secure port facilities “from terrorists.”